Active dry yeast in IT

Data refers to 1 t of Active dry yeast in IT (Ga0002-IT)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.08615

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.08615


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Feed energy {GLO} Transforming wheat and maize to feed energy in WW 51.49548 GJ 1.76315 0.03424 Ma0123-WW
Steam and hot water supply in IT 0.013 TJ 1.10847 85.26677 Em100-IT
Chemicals nec in IT 0.08 t 0.16652 2.08147 Em063-IT
Electricity market in IT 0.0031 TJ 0.08418 27.15626 Em153-IT
P- and other fertiliser in IT 0.03 t 0.02433 0.81086 Em062-IT
Collection, purification and distribution of water (41) in IT 0.00001 MEUR2011 0.00345 425.9282 Em101-IT
Feed protein {GLO} Transforming soybean meal to feed protein in WW 0.39612 t -1.06394 -2.68591 Ma0122-WW