Pizza Romana, frozen in NL

Data refers to 1 t of Pizza Romana, frozen in NL (Fa0097-NL)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.93419

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.93419


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Electricity market in NL 0.00931 TJ 0.99558 106.92193 Em153-NL
Pork ham, raw in NL 0.15244 t 0.63623 4.17363 Fa0042-NL
Fuel, natural gas (NL) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in NL 7.51214 GJ 0.56937 0.07579 Ma0350-NL
Wheat flour in NL 0.13112 t 0.21776 1.66072 Fa0348-NL
Cheese in NL 0.2163 t 0.19688 0.91021 Fa0083-NL
Tomato paste in IT 0.10815 t 0.16747 1.54852 Fa0090-IT
Active dry yeast in NL 0.12197 t 0.09428 0.77296 Fa0361-NL
Olives in GLO 0.0309 t 0.05026 1.62664 Cm113-GLO
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals, production of salt, other mining and quarrying n.e.c. in NL 0.07318 t 0.00373 0.05101 Em034-NL
Mushrooms and truffles in NL 0.05974 t 0.00253 0.04227 Cm101-NL
Water (NL) Collection, purification and distribution of water in NL 0.13722 m3 0.0001 0.0007 Ma0283-NL