Garlic in HU

Data refers to 1 t of Garlic in HU (Cm068-HU)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.82180

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.82180


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Garlic in HU 0.898 t 0.6535 0.72773 Ca068-HU
Garlic in IT 0.03615 t 0.06071 1.67928 Ca068-IT
Garlic in AT 0.00919 t 0.04948 5.38127 Ca068-AT
Garlic in ES 0.03837 t 0.03054 0.79581 Ca068-ES
Garlic in SK 0.01032 t 0.01865 1.80761 Ca068-SK
Garlic in FR 0.00716 t 0.00809 1.13085 Ca068-FR
Garlic in GR 0.00038 t 0.00048 1.2761 Ca068-GR
Garlic in RO 0.00035 t 0.00024 0.68867 Ca068-RO
Garlic in LT 0.00008 t 0.00012 1.42508 Ca068-LT