Green beans, frost in ES

Data refers to 1 t of Green beans, frost in ES (Ra00414-ES)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.09217

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.09217


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Green beans, frozen in FR 1 t 1.79046 1.79046 Fa0106-FR
Road transport, tkm (ES) >32 t truck in ES 1800.384 tkm 0.20389 0.00011 Ma0362-ES
Vegetable freezing packaging in ES 1 t 0.0829 0.0829 Pa040-ES
Retail service (ES) supermarket, frozen storage in ES 1 t 0.01492 0.01492 Ma0334-ES