Treatment of C1 animal carcasses (ruminants) (NL) in NL

Data refers to 1 t of Treatment of C1 animal carcasses (ruminants) (NL) in NL (Ma0367-NL)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.68650

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.68650


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Utilisation of C1 meal as fuel (NL) Treatment of C1 animal carcasses in NL 0.27 t 0.56857 2.1058 Ma0371-NL
Treatment of Fat (NL) in NL 0.13 t 0.52468 4.03601 Ma0369-NL
Electricity (NL) market in NL -72.22222 kWh -0.0278 0.00038 Ma0155-NL
Road transport, tkm (NL) 16-32 t truck in NL -200 tkm -0.17911 0.0009 Ma0262-NL
Steam incl. combustion emissions (NL) in NL -2.646 t -0.19984 0.07553 Ma0363-NL