Wine in DK

Data refers to 1 t of Wine in DK (Gm0001-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.17714

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.17714


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Wine in IT 0.22921 t 0.25289 1.10332 Ga0001-IT
Wine in WL 0.17326 t 0.20304 1.1719 Ga0001-WL
Wine in ZA 0.13112 t 0.18162 1.38515 Ga0001-ZA
Wine in ES 0.15258 t 0.16142 1.05797 Ga0001-ES
Wine in FR 0.11739 t 0.14816 1.26212 Ga0001-FR
Wine in AU 0.08268 t 0.10124 1.22453 Ga0001-AU
Wine in DE 0.05604 t 0.06447 1.1503 Ga0001-DE
Wine in GB 0.05772 t 0.06429 1.11381 Ga0001-GB