Chili sauce in FR

Data refers to 1 t of Chili sauce in FR (Fa0264-FR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.26684

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.26684


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Sugar, white in FR 0.218 t 0.51475 2.36124 Fa0304-FR
Glucose corn syrup in FR 0.218 t 0.33613 1.54189 Fa0166-FR
Steam and hot water supply in FR 0.0017 TJ 0.18818 110.69412 Em100-FR
Garlic in FR 0.12644 t 0.1374 1.08668 Cm068-FR
Chillies and peppers, green in FR 0.2439 t 0.07198 0.29513 Cm039-FR
Electricity market in FR 0.00038 TJ 0.01825 48.03447 Em153-FR
Water (FR) Collection, purification and distribution of water in FR 0.254 m3 0.00015 0.00057 Ma0283-FR