Half pears in juice in DK

Data refers to 1 t of Half pears in juice in DK (Fa0252-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.96535

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.96535


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Pineapple juice in DK 0.41463 t 0.53615 1.29308 Fa0307-DK
Pears in DK 0.75047 t 0.22667 0.30204 Cm120-DK
Fuel, natural gas (DK) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in DK 2.54 GJ 0.2004 0.0789 Ma0350-DK
Electricity market in DK 0.00015 TJ 0.00212 14.10582 Em153-DK