Fish fillet, breaded, deep fried in FR

Data refers to 1 t of Fish fillet, breaded, deep fried in FR (Fa0222-FR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.43072

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.43072


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Filletted fish, plaice edible flesh {DK} Processing of fish in FR 0.694 t 1.56539 2.2556 Fa0421-FR
Breadcrumbs in FR 0.197 t 0.48017 2.4374 Fa0005-FR
Wheat flour in FR 0.136 t 0.24156 1.77618 Fa0348-FR
Vegetable oil in FR 0.05 t 0.19993 3.99863 Fa0454-FR
Electricity market in FR 0.00227 TJ 0.10894 48.03447 Em153-FR
Egg white in FR 0.101 t 0.04617 0.45717 Fa0450-FR
Treatment of Fat (FR) in FR -0.05 t -0.21145 4.229 Ma0369-FR