Leverpostej in NL

Data refers to 1 t of Leverpostej in NL (Fa0212-NL)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.84160

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.84160


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Pork liver, raw in NL 0.91731 t 2.29711 2.50418 Fa0324-NL
Electricity market in NL 0.00274 TJ 0.29295 106.92193 Em153-NL
Poultry - Eggs in NL 0.11466 t 0.077 0.67157 Am009-NL
Milk, semi-skimmed in NL 0.14763 t 0.06227 0.42179 Fa0079-NL
Wheat flour in NL 0.02274 t 0.03777 1.66072 Fa0348-NL
Fuel, natural gas (NL) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in NL 0.44069 GJ 0.0334 0.07579 Ma0350-NL
Onions, dry in NL 0.15594 t 0.02709 0.17371 Cm114-NL
Pepper (piper spp.) in GLO 0.00266 t 0.01307 4.9209 Cm123-GLO
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals, production of salt, other mining and quarrying n.e.c. in NL 0.01832 t 0.00093 0.05101 Em034-NL