Lasagna, vegan in DK

Data refers to 1 t of Lasagna, vegan in DK (Fa0194-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.73624

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.73624


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Pasta in IT 0.14597 t 0.2153 1.475 Fa0006-IT
Milk, semi-skimmed in DK 0.30546 t 0.10178 0.33321 Fa0079-DK
Vegetable oil in DK 0.02444 t 0.09771 3.99863 Fa0454-DK
Tomatoes in DK 0.29194 t 0.09614 0.32931 Cm167-DK
Olive oil in ES 0.00971 t 0.04738 4.87815 Fa0086-ES
Electricity market in DK 0.00274 TJ 0.03865 14.10582 Em153-DK
Fuel, natural gas (DK) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in DK 0.44069 GJ 0.03477 0.0789 Ma0350-DK
Onions, dry in DK 0.16553 t 0.0317 0.19149 Cm114-DK
Wheat flour in DK 0.02444 t 0.03144 1.28676 Fa0348-DK
Vegan cheese in DK 0.05159 t 0.02928 0.5676 Fa0193-DK
Garlic in DK 0.01022 t 0.01187 1.16161 Cm068-DK
Vegetables, fresh nes in DK 0.00072 t 0.00021 0.29631 Cm173-DK