Müsli with chocolate in GB

Data refers to 1 t of Müsli with chocolate in GB (Fa0156-GB)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.64294

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.64294


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Milk chocolate in GB 0.24 t 1.07078 4.46157 Fa0136-GB
Dry fruit in US 0.2508 t 0.58508 2.33287 Fa0153-US
Rye flour, wholemeal in GB 0.1748 t 0.44762 2.56073 Fa0138-GB
Wheat flour, wholemeal in GB 0.1748 t 0.21103 1.20725 Fa0137-GB
Oat flakes in GB 0.1292 t 0.2071 1.60294 Fa0141-GB
Hazelnut, dried in GB 0.0076 t 0.07228 9.51006 Fa0225-GB
Corn flakes in GB 0.0152 t 0.0284 1.86823 Fa0149-GB
Sunflower seeds, decorticated, dried in GB 0.0076 t 0.02066 2.71888 Fa0226-GB