Marmalade in NL

Data refers to 1 t of Marmalade in NL (Fa0116-NL)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.65180

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.65180


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Sugar, white in NL 0.58 t 1.22784 2.11696 Fa0304-NL
Fuel, natural gas (NL) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in NL 2.01 GJ 0.15235 0.07579 Ma0350-NL
Strawberries in NL 0.4 t 0.13029 0.32573 Cm155-NL
Glucose corn syrup in NL 0.05 t 0.06452 1.29031 Fa0166-NL
Electricity market in NL 0.00049 TJ 0.05239 106.92193 Em153-NL
Chemicals nec in NL 0.008 t 0.01356 1.69458 Em063-NL
Processing of Food products nec in NL 0.00387 t 0.01078 2.7889 Em043-NL
Water (NL) Collection, purification and distribution of water in NL 0.10567 m3 0.00007 0.0007 Ma0283-NL