Pork sausage, Danish, raw in FR

Data refers to 1 t of Pork sausage, Danish, raw in FR (Fa0058-FR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.80986

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.80986


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Pork, mince, 15-20% fat, raw in FR 0.66 t 2.57242 3.89761 Fa0045-FR
Spices in FR 0.03933 t 0.13205 3.3573 Fa0356-FR
Potato starch in FR 0.057 t 0.08961 1.57207 Fa0238-FR
Glucose corn syrup in FR 0.009 t 0.01388 1.54189 Fa0166-FR
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals, production of salt, other mining and quarrying n.e.c. in FR 0.015 t 0.00177 0.11807 Em034-FR
Water (FR) Collection, purification and distribution of water in FR 0.21967 m3 0.00013 0.00057 Ma0283-FR