Lamb meat from slaughterhouse in DK

Data refers to 1 t of Lamb meat from slaughterhouse in DK (Fa0054-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 36.29103

Intensity tCO2/unit: 36.29103


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Sheep - Meat in DK 2.27273 t 41.99411 18.47741 Am011-DK
Fuel, natural gas (DK) Fuel and combustion, energy unit in DK 0.54545 GJ 0.04304 0.0789 Ma0350-DK
Electricity market in DK 0.00087 TJ 0.01228 14.10582 Em153-DK
Water (DK) Collection, purification and distribution of water in DK 5.61364 m3 0.00541 0.00096 Ma0283-DK
Treatment of C2 animal carcasses (non-ruminants) (DK) in DK -0.09091 t -0.02016 0.22177 Ma0368-DK
Treatment of C3 slaughter by-products (DK) in DK -0.29545 t -0.1047 0.35436 Ma0366-DK
Treatment of C1 animal carcasses (ruminants) (DK) in DK -0.43182 t -0.3098 0.71744 Ma0367-DK
Treatment of Fat (DK) in DK -0.13636 t -0.56746 4.16134 Ma0369-DK
Manufacture of textiles (17) in DK -0.31818 t -4.76168 14.96529 Em047-DK