Hotels and restaurants (55) in CZ
Data refers to 1 MEUR2011 of Hotels and restaurants (55) in CZ (Em108-CZ)
Contribution tCO2eq: 1011.27158
Intensity tCO2/unit: 1011.27158
Flow |
Flow Amount |
Flow Unit |
Contribution tCO2eq |
Intensity tCO2/flow unit |
Flow ID |
1011.27158 |
Flow |
Flow Amount |
Flow Unit |
Contribution tCO2eq |
Intensity tCO2/flow unit |
Air - Carbon dioxide, fossil |
510.27603 |
t |
510.27603 |
510.27603 |
Air - Dinitrogen monoxide |
0.58365 |
t |
154.66855 |
154.66855 |
Air - Methane, biogenic |
5.33055 |
t |
147.92274 |
147.92274 |
Air - Carbon dioxide, accelerated |
13357.02669 |
t |
103.11625 |
103.11625 |
Air - Methane, fossil |
2.96152 |
t |
90.3265 |
90.3265 |
Air - PFC as CO2-eq |
2.61898 |
t |
2.61898 |
2.61898 |
Air - Sulfur hexafluoride |
0.0001 |
t |
2.34253 |
2.34253 |