Sale, maintenance, repair of motor vehicles, motor vehicles parts, motorcycles, motor cycles parts and accessoiries in DK

Data refers to 1 MEUR2011 of Sale, maintenance, repair of motor vehicles, motor vehicles parts, motorcycles, motor cycles parts and accessoiries in DK (Em104-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 253.60100

Intensity tCO2/unit: 253.60100


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit
Air - Carbon dioxide, fossil 220.75443 t 220.75443 220.75443
Air - Methane, fossil 0.68945 t 21.02832 21.02832
Air - Carbon dioxide, accelerated 707.53457 t 5.46217 5.46217
Air - Dinitrogen monoxide 0.01165 t 3.08767 3.08767
Air - Methane, biogenic 0.06226 t 1.72763 1.72763
Air - PFC as CO2-eq 1.09996 t 1.09996 1.09996
Air - Sulfur hexafluoride 0.00002 t 0.44083 0.44083