Manufacture of other transport equipment (35) in WL

Data refers to 1 MEUR2011 of Manufacture of other transport equipment (35) in WL (Em092-WL)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2191.66313

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2191.66313


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit
Air - Carbon dioxide, fossil 1961.26077 t 1961.26077 1961.26077
Air - Methane, fossil 5.20496 t 158.75136 158.75136
Air - Carbon dioxide, accelerated 3004.78018 t 23.1969 23.1969
Air - Dinitrogen monoxide 0.07904 t 20.94456 20.94456
Air - Methane, biogenic 0.44916 t 12.46427 12.46427
Air - PFC as CO2-eq 9.41678 t 9.41678 9.41678
Air - Sulfur hexafluoride 0.00025 t 5.62849 5.62849