Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur (18) in WL
Data refers to 1 t of Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur (18) in WL (Em048-WL)
Contribution tCO2eq: 26.29535
Intensity tCO2/unit: 26.29535
Flow |
Flow Amount |
Flow Unit |
Contribution tCO2eq |
Intensity tCO2/flow unit |
Flow ID |
26.29535 |
Flow |
Flow Amount |
Flow Unit |
Contribution tCO2eq |
Intensity tCO2/flow unit |
Air - Carbon dioxide, fossil |
20.27741 |
t |
20.27741 |
20.27741 |
Air - Methane, fossil |
0.07571 |
t |
2.30923 |
2.30923 |
Air - Carbon dioxide, accelerated |
178.28297 |
t |
1.37634 |
1.37634 |
Air - Dinitrogen monoxide |
0.00432 |
t |
1.14463 |
1.14463 |
Air - Methane, biogenic |
0.03922 |
t |
1.08832 |
1.08832 |
Air - Sulfur hexafluoride |
0 |
t |
0.05747 |
0.05747 |
Air - PFC as CO2-eq |
0.04194 |
t |
0.04194 |
0.04194 |