Walnuts, with shell in CZ

Data refers to 1 t of Walnuts, with shell in CZ (Cm176-CZ)

Contribution tCO2eq: 5.41223

Intensity tCO2/unit: 5.41223


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Walnuts, with shell in CZ 0.65824 t 4.81954 7.32185 Ca176-CZ
Walnuts, with shell in US 0.15638 t 0.23041 1.47341 Ca176-US
Walnuts, with shell in BR 0.03323 t 0.0826 2.48569 Ca176-BR
Walnuts, with shell in DE 0.0386 t 0.073 1.89135 Ca176-DE
Walnuts, with shell in WL 0.03323 t 0.0704 2.11863 Ca176-WL
Walnuts, with shell in WA 0.0451 t 0.06226 1.38054 Ca176-WA
Walnuts, with shell in FR 0.01157 t 0.0297 2.56631 Ca176-FR
Walnuts, with shell in ES 0.01022 t 0.01916 1.8753 Ca176-ES
Walnuts, with shell in PL 0.00694 t 0.0136 1.95867 Ca176-PL
Walnuts, with shell in IT 0.0065 t 0.01157 1.78135 Ca176-IT