Tea in BR

Data refers to 1 t of Tea in BR (Cm165-BR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.89020

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.89020


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Tea in CN 0.24762 t 1.55837 6.29338 Ca165-CN
Tea in IN 0.43556 t 0.60788 1.39563 Ca165-IN
Tea in WL 0.25234 t 0.38887 1.54105 Ca165-WL
Tea in JP 0.02247 t 0.27398 12.19199 Ca165-JP
Tea in WF 0.02765 t 0.02978 1.077 Ca165-WF
Tea in WA 0.00891 t 0.02134 2.39427 Ca165-WA
Tea in GLO 0.00166 t 0.00672 4.04794 Cm165-GLO
Tea in WM 0.00378 t 0.00325 0.86041 Ca165-WM