Sunflower seed in BR

Data refers to 1 t of Sunflower seed in BR (Cm160-BR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.14443

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.14443


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Sunflower seed in BR 0.91696 t 2.03495 2.21924 Ca160-BR
Sunflower seed in WL 0.07373 t 0.09216 1.24994 Ca160-WL
Sunflower seed in BG 0.00918 t 0.01711 1.86337 Ca160-BG
Sunflower seed in US 0.00012 t 0.00018 1.59595 Ca160-US
Sunflower seed in IT 0.00001 t 0.00002 1.75908 Ca160-IT