Raspberries in WF

Data refers to 1 t of Raspberries in WF (Cm141-WF)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.84012

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.84012


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Raspberries in FR 0.87945 t 0.77102 0.87671 Ca141-FR
Raspberries in US 0.08571 t 0.03778 0.44087 Ca141-US
Raspberries in GLO 0.02743 t 0.02467 0.89934 Cm141-GLO
Raspberries in PL 0.00427 t 0.00402 0.9412 Ca141-PL
Raspberries in DE 0.00314 t 0.00262 0.83456 Ca141-DE