Raspberries in EE

Data refers to 1 t of Raspberries in EE (Cm141-EE)

Contribution tCO2eq: 5.37042

Intensity tCO2/unit: 5.37042


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Raspberries in EE 0.90478 t 5.09301 5.62898 Ca141-EE
Raspberries in LV 0.03314 t 0.20208 6.09787 Ca141-LV
Raspberries in FI 0.02088 t 0.02796 1.33903 Ca141-FI
Raspberries in LT 0.00837 t 0.01873 2.23803 Ca141-LT
Raspberries in GLO 0.01405 t 0.01264 0.89934 Cm141-GLO
Raspberries in FR 0.00983 t 0.00862 0.87671 Ca141-FR
Raspberries in PL 0.00396 t 0.00373 0.9412 Ca141-PL
Raspberries in IT 0.00499 t 0.00366 0.73317 Ca141-IT