Potatoes in GLO

Data refers to 1 t of Potatoes in GLO (Cm132-GLO)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.70122

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.70122


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Road transport, tkm (FR) >32 t truck in FR 2375.86249 tkm 0.30267 0.00013 Ma0362-FR
Road transport, tkm (ES) >32 t truck in ES 2606.50943 tkm 0.29519 0.00011 Ma0362-ES
Road transport, tkm (NL) >32 t truck in NL 2138.21574 tkm 0.25232 0.00012 Ma0362-NL
Road transport, tkm (DK) >32 t truck in DK 1432.59227 tkm 0.1748 0.00012 Ma0362-DK
Road transport, tkm (GB) >32 t truck in GB 1429.9318 tkm 0.16294 0.00011 Ma0362-GB
Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker in ID 11978.08043 tkm 0.13091 0.00001 Ma0271-ID
Potatoes in CN 0.23805 t 0.12322 0.51764 Ca132-CN
Potatoes in IN 0.12161 t 0.04758 0.39126 Ca132-IN
Potatoes in WA 0.08969 t 0.02982 0.33247 Ca132-WA
Potatoes in RU 0.06292 t 0.02502 0.39759 Ca132-RU
Potatoes in US 0.05722 t 0.02297 0.4014 Ca132-US
Potatoes in WE 0.0828 t 0.02105 0.25425 Ca132-WE
Potatoes in WL 0.03952 t 0.01946 0.4924 Ca132-WL
Potatoes in WM 0.03335 t 0.01601 0.47999 Ca132-WM
Potatoes in WF 0.04839 t 0.01274 0.26326 Ca132-WF
Potatoes in DE 0.03017 t 0.01087 0.3601 Ca132-DE
Potatoes in PL 0.02485 t 0.00936 0.37672 Ca132-PL
Potatoes in FR 0.01948 t 0.00618 0.31746 Ca132-FR
Potatoes in NL 0.0183 t 0.00552 0.30154 Ca132-NL
Potatoes in CA 0.01658 t 0.0049 0.29568 Ca132-CA
Potatoes in GB 0.01511 t 0.0046 0.30456 Ca132-GB
Potatoes in BR 0.01079 t 0.00369 0.34206 Ca132-BR
Potatoes in BE 0.00953 t 0.00322 0.33834 Ca132-BE
Potatoes in ZA 0.00602 t 0.00302 0.50151 Ca132-ZA
Potatoes in RO 0.00753 t 0.003 0.39806 Ca132-RO
Potatoes in JP 0.00616 t 0.0027 0.43829 Ca132-JP
Potatoes in TR 0.0133 t 0.00269 0.20255 Ca132-TR
Potatoes in DK 0.00547 t 0.00162 0.29525 Ca132-DK
Potatoes in MX 0.00503 t 0.00153 0.30317 Ca132-MX
Potatoes in IT 0.00383 t 0.00143 0.37307 Ca132-IT
Potatoes in ES 0.00629 t 0.00135 0.21396 Ca132-ES
Potatoes in ID 0.0034 t 0.00127 0.37266 Ca132-ID
Potatoes in AU 0.00317 t 0.00112 0.35339 Ca132-AU
Potatoes in KR 0.00156 t 0.00111 0.71362 Ca132-KR
Potatoes in SE 0.00242 t 0.0009 0.37101 Ca132-SE
Potatoes in CZ 0.00196 t 0.00086 0.44079 Ca132-CZ
Potatoes in FI 0.00165 t 0.0007 0.42407 Ca132-FI
Potatoes in AT 0.00215 t 0.00068 0.31554 Ca132-AT
Potatoes in LV 0.00138 t 0.00061 0.44019 Ca132-LV
Potatoes in PT 0.00126 t 0.00056 0.44127 Ca132-PT
Potatoes in LT 0.00098 t 0.00054 0.55306 Ca132-LT
Potatoes in NO 0.00098 t 0.00052 0.53014 Ca132-NO
Potatoes in HU 0.0012 t 0.00049 0.40456 Ca132-HU
Potatoes in GR 0.00138 t 0.00046 0.33393 Ca132-GR
Potatoes in CY 0.00034 t 0.00043 1.23677 Ca132-CY
Potatoes in CH 0.00104 t 0.00041 0.3919 Ca132-CH
Potatoes in IE 0.00099 t 0.00035 0.35991 Ca132-IE
Potatoes in HR 0.00054 t 0.0003 0.55717 Ca132-HR
Potatoes in SK 0.0005 t 0.00016 0.32853 Ca132-SK
Potatoes in EE 0.00025 t 0.00012 0.49434 Ca132-EE
Potatoes in SI 0.00024 t 0.00012 0.51764 Ca132-SI
Potatoes in GLO 0.00016 t 0.00011 0.70122 Cm132-GLO
Potatoes in BG 0.00036 t 0.0001 0.27255 Ca132-BG
Potatoes in LU 0.00005 t 0.00003 0.55088 Ca132-LU
Potatoes in MT 0.00002 t 0.00002 0.94915 Ca132-MT