Potatoes in CY

Data refers to 1 t of Potatoes in CY (Cm132-CY)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.90095

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.90095


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Potatoes in CY 0.63176 t 0.78134 1.23677 Ca132-CY
Potatoes in NL 0.23275 t 0.07018 0.30154 Ca132-NL
Potatoes in DE 0.05132 t 0.01848 0.3601 Ca132-DE
Potatoes in WM 0.01817 t 0.00872 0.47999 Ca132-WM
Potatoes in BE 0.019 t 0.00643 0.33834 Ca132-BE
Potatoes in GR 0.0123 t 0.00411 0.33393 Ca132-GR
Potatoes in DK 0.01218 t 0.0036 0.29525 Ca132-DK
Potatoes in IE 0.00813 t 0.00293 0.35991 Ca132-IE
Potatoes in GB 0.00559 t 0.0017 0.30456 Ca132-GB
Potatoes in FR 0.00381 t 0.00121 0.31746 Ca132-FR
Potatoes in SI 0.00217 t 0.00113 0.51764 Ca132-SI
Potatoes in IT 0.0016 t 0.0006 0.37307 Ca132-IT
Potatoes in CZ 0.00122 t 0.00054 0.44079 Ca132-CZ