Oilseeds nes in LT

Data refers to 1 t of Oilseeds nes in LT (Cm111-LT)

Contribution tCO2eq: 3.42430

Intensity tCO2/unit: 3.42430


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Oilseeds nes in LT 0.9683 t 3.32076 3.42948 Ca111-LT
Oilseeds nes in WE 0.01472 t 0.04331 2.94263 Ca111-WE
Oilseeds nes in PL 0.00794 t 0.02055 2.58899 Ca111-PL
Oilseeds nes in AT 0.0046 t 0.01939 4.21905 Ca111-AT
Oilseeds nes in BG 0.00293 t 0.01147 3.91172 Ca111-BG
Oilseeds nes in LV 0.00093 t 0.00644 6.95531 Ca111-LV
Oilseeds nes in FR 0.0003 t 0.0015 4.94495 Ca111-FR
Oilseeds nes in GLO 0.00029 t 0.00088 3.02858 Cm111-GLO