Oats in BE

Data refers to 1 t of Oats in BE (Cm105-BE)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.20891

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.20891


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Oats in FI 0.38778 t 0.53042 1.36783 Ca105-FI
Oats in FR 0.11861 t 0.17848 1.50476 Ca105-FR
Oats in GB 0.15411 t 0.14551 0.94422 Ca105-GB
Oats in SE 0.09552 t 0.10474 1.09649 Ca105-SE
Oats in ES 0.06542 t 0.09148 1.39837 Ca105-ES
Oats in BE 0.09106 t 0.08975 0.98555 Ca105-BE
Oats in IE 0.07336 t 0.05036 0.68648 Ca105-IE
Oats in DE 0.00884 t 0.01013 1.14558 Ca105-DE
Oats in CZ 0.00171 t 0.00289 1.69023 Ca105-CZ
Oats in PL 0.0013 t 0.00212 1.6401 Ca105-PL
Oats in WL 0.00168 t 0.00208 1.23829 Ca105-WL
Oats in US 0.00039 t 0.00059 1.52018 Ca105-US
Oats in WE 0.00022 t 0.00037 1.63086 Ca105-WE