Mustard seed in DE

Data refers to 1 t of Mustard seed in DE (Cm102-DE)

Contribution tCO2eq: 3.28371

Intensity tCO2/unit: 3.28371


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Mustard seed in RU 0.53952 t 2.00277 3.71213 Ca102-RU
Mustard seed in CZ 0.22708 t 0.69913 3.07871 Ca102-CZ
Mustard seed in CA 0.16624 t 0.3942 2.37135 Ca102-CA
Mustard seed in RO 0.03588 t 0.06576 1.83257 Ca102-RO
Mustard seed in WA 0.01983 t 0.06251 3.1518 Ca102-WA
Mustard seed in LT 0.00538 t 0.0331 6.15419 Ca102-LT
Mustard seed in SK 0.00271 t 0.0099 3.66136 Ca102-SK
Mustard seed in BG 0.00098 t 0.00967 9.84821 Ca102-BG
Mustard seed in FR 0.00236 t 0.0066 2.80386 Ca102-FR
Mustard seed in US 0.00002 t 0.00007 2.97693 Ca102-US