Linseed in DK

Data refers to 1 t of Linseed in DK (Cm091-DK)

Contribution tCO2eq: 3.16932

Intensity tCO2/unit: 3.16932


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Linseed in RU 0.80695 t 1.8874 2.33892 Ca091-RU
Linseed in IN 0.14009 t 0.80898 5.77479 Ca091-IN
Road transport, tkm (DK) >32 t truck in DK 2078.80883 tkm 0.25364 0.00012 Ma0362-DK
Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker in ID 8368.70854 tkm 0.09146 0.00001 Ma0271-ID
Linseed in SE 0.02945 t 0.06121 2.07832 Ca091-SE
Linseed in FR 0.01058 t 0.0401 3.78928 Ca091-FR
Linseed in GB 0.01134 t 0.02338 2.06203 Ca091-GB
Linseed in US 0.00119 t 0.00256 2.1578 Ca091-US
Linseed in RO 0.0004 t 0.00059 1.48256 Ca091-RO