Garlic in BR

Data refers to 1 t of Garlic in BR (Cm068-BR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.91408

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.91408


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Garlic in BR 0.43135 t 0.48236 1.11826 Ca068-BR
Garlic in CN 0.3156 t 0.21791 0.69045 Ca068-CN
Garlic in WL 0.19234 t 0.165 0.85784 Ca068-WL
Garlic in ES 0.0531 t 0.04226 0.79581 Ca068-ES
Garlic in GLO 0.00368 t 0.00418 1.13592 Cm068-GLO
Garlic in MX 0.00311 t 0.00175 0.56227 Ca068-MX
Garlic in PT 0.0003 t 0.00023 0.75305 Ca068-PT
Garlic in WM 0.00024 t 0.00021 0.85251 Ca068-WM
Garlic in IN 0.00018 t 0.00013 0.72735 Ca068-IN
Garlic in WA 0.00009 t 0.00006 0.67343 Ca068-WA
Garlic in FR 0.00001 t 0.00001 1.13085 Ca068-FR