Cucumbers and gherkins in LV

Data refers to 1 t of Cucumbers and gherkins in LV (Cm053-LV)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.17519

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.17519


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Cucumbers and gherkins in LV 0.58842 t 0.11672 0.19835 Ca053-LV
Cucumbers and gherkins in LT 0.06809 t 0.01987 0.29185 Ca053-LT
Cucumbers and gherkins in ES 0.19735 t 0.01463 0.07412 Ca053-ES
Cucumbers and gherkins in PL 0.06743 t 0.00984 0.14588 Ca053-PL
Cucumbers and gherkins in TR 0.03052 t 0.00638 0.20922 Ca053-TR
Cucumbers and gherkins in EE 0.02126 t 0.00347 0.16307 Ca053-EE
Cucumbers and gherkins in WE 0.01703 t 0.00276 0.16191 Ca053-WE
Cucumbers and gherkins in BG 0.00831 t 0.00133 0.16036 Ca053-BG
Cucumbers and gherkins in HU 0.00063 t 0.00008 0.13089 Ca053-HU
Cucumbers and gherkins in FI 0.00063 t 0.00007 0.10631 Ca053-FI
Cucumbers and gherkins in DE 0.00034 t 0.00005 0.15257 Ca053-DE