Berries nes in LT

Data refers to 1 t of Berries nes in LT (Cm015-LT)

Contribution tCO2eq: 3.67096

Intensity tCO2/unit: 3.67096


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Berries nes in LT 0.91438 t 3.41733 3.73731 Ca015-LT
Berries nes in EE 0.01288 t 0.14214 11.03512 Ca015-EE
Berries nes in WE 0.0362 t 0.05043 1.39301 Ca015-WE
Berries nes in CZ 0.01963 t 0.04881 2.48638 Ca015-CZ
Berries nes in PL 0.00655 t 0.0063 0.96237 Ca015-PL
Berries nes in RU 0.00686 t 0.00378 0.55084 Ca015-RU
Berries nes in GB 0.00256 t 0.00119 0.46522 Ca015-GB
Berries nes in GR 0.00065 t 0.00056 0.85591 Ca015-GR
Berries nes in DE 0.00029 t 0.00043 1.46907 Ca015-DE