Berries nes in FI

Data refers to 1 t of Berries nes in FI (Cm015-FI)

Contribution tCO2eq: 6.03062

Intensity tCO2/unit: 6.03062


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Berries nes in EE 0.5098 t 5.6257 11.03512 Ca015-EE
Berries nes in PL 0.3172 t 0.30527 0.96237 Ca015-PL
Berries nes in IT 0.0715 t 0.04799 0.67109 Ca015-IT
Berries nes in MX 0.06214 t 0.0202 0.32507 Ca015-MX
Berries nes in DE 0.01148 t 0.01687 1.46907 Ca015-DE
Berries nes in RU 0.02207 t 0.01216 0.55084 Ca015-RU
Berries nes in RO 0.0058 t 0.00244 0.4209 Ca015-RO