Beans, dry in BR

Data refers to 1 t of Beans, dry in BR (Cm013-BR)

Contribution tCO2eq: 2.89914

Intensity tCO2/unit: 2.89914


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Beans, dry in BR 0.8832 t 2.58185 2.9233 Ca013-BR
Beans, dry in WL 0.07931 t 0.24034 3.03017 Ca013-WL
Beans, dry in CN 0.03233 t 0.06281 1.94307 Ca013-CN
Beans, dry in US 0.00434 t 0.01237 2.85169 Ca013-US
Beans, dry in CA 0.00052 t 0.00119 2.29688 Ca013-CA
Beans, dry in WF 0.00025 t 0.00047 1.91091 Ca013-WF
Beans, dry in WA 0.00006 t 0.00011 1.99486 Ca013-WA
Beans, dry in WM 0 t 0 1.84003 Ca013-WM