Barley in LT

Data refers to 1 t of Barley in LT (Cm011-LT)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.43983

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.43983


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Barley in LT 0.98518 t 1.40965 1.43086 Ca011-LT
Barley in LV 0.00523 t 0.01308 2.49956 Ca011-LV
Barley in EE 0.00555 t 0.01212 2.18371 Ca011-EE
Barley in SE 0.0024 t 0.00278 1.15763 Ca011-SE
Barley in PL 0.00123 t 0.00181 1.47545 Ca011-PL
Barley in DK 0.00016 t 0.00014 0.89512 Ca011-DK
Barley in SK 0.00011 t 0.00011 1.0252 Ca011-SK
Barley in DE 0.00009 t 0.00009 0.97124 Ca011-DE
Barley in AT 0.00005 t 0.00004 0.838 Ca011-AT