Barley in CY

Data refers to 1 t of Barley in CY (Cm011-CY)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.30333

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.30333


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Barley in WE 0.29362 t 0.33952 1.15633 Ca011-WE
Barley in RU 0.25622 t 0.28287 1.104 Ca011-RU
Barley in CY 0.0119 t 0.27043 22.72014 Ca011-CY
Barley in RO 0.20895 t 0.19841 0.94956 Ca011-RO
Barley in BG 0.12466 t 0.09852 0.79033 Ca011-BG
Barley in FR 0.07681 t 0.08879 1.15599 Ca011-FR
Barley in HU 0.02511 t 0.02158 0.85913 Ca011-HU
Barley in GR 0.00235 t 0.00267 1.13815 Ca011-GR
Barley in IT 0.0003 t 0.00048 1.58718 Ca011-IT
Barley in NL 0.00007 t 0.00006 0.82181 Ca011-NL
Barley in BE 0 t 0 0.78609 Ca011-BE