Asparagus in WF

Data refers to 1 t of Asparagus in WF (Cm008-WF)

Contribution tCO2eq: 0.45102

Intensity tCO2/unit: 0.45102


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Asparagus in WF 0.87636 t 0.31955 0.36463 Ca008-WF
Asparagus in GLO 0.02781 t 0.0588 2.11402 Cm008-GLO
Asparagus in FR 0.02238 t 0.03086 1.3791 Ca008-FR
Asparagus in ES 0.02939 t 0.01884 0.64114 Ca008-ES
Asparagus in BE 0.01602 t 0.00963 0.6014 Ca008-BE
Asparagus in WL 0.01277 t 0.00459 0.35974 Ca008-WL
Asparagus in NL 0.00508 t 0.00374 0.73757 Ca008-NL
Asparagus in WA 0.00331 t 0.00252 0.7626 Ca008-WA
Asparagus in WM 0.0063 t 0.00149 0.23658 Ca008-WM
Asparagus in CN 0.00049 t 0.00089 1.82242 Ca008-CN
Asparagus in DE 0.0001 t 0.00009 0.97556 Ca008-DE