Asparagus in JP

Data refers to 1 t of Asparagus in JP (Cm008-JP)

Contribution tCO2eq: 1.34937

Intensity tCO2/unit: 1.34937


Flow Flow Amount Flow Unit Contribution tCO2eq Intensity tCO2/flow unit Flow ID
Asparagus in JP 0.74892 t 1.15546 1.54283 Ca008-JP
Asparagus in MX 0.12083 t 0.07959 0.65873 Ca008-MX
Asparagus in AU 0.08708 t 0.0745 0.85558 Ca008-AU
Asparagus in US 0.0149 t 0.02338 1.56835 Ca008-US
Asparagus in WA 0.01099 t 0.00838 0.7626 Ca008-WA
Asparagus in WL 0.01515 t 0.00545 0.35974 Ca008-WL
Asparagus in FR 0.00158 t 0.00218 1.3791 Ca008-FR
Asparagus in IT 0.00026 t 0.00021 0.82792 Ca008-IT
Asparagus in NL 0.00026 t 0.00019 0.73757 Ca008-NL
Asparagus in DE 0.00003 t 0.00003 0.97556 Ca008-DE
Asparagus in BE 0 t 0 0.6014 Ca008-BE